Sunday, November 1, 2015

Would you consider working abroad?

Tons of college students are studying abroad all over the world. Others are taking a year off after school to travel for a year with a work visa in another country. With the world globalizing so fast, it isn't uncommon to meet young graduates from european countries in the States or find Americans dispersed in other countries trying to create a life in a new culture. It is such an exciting time to live where studying abroad is becoming more and more common and many people are traveling more and more at younger ages than before.
 I'm at the end of my college career and considering to use my Irish citizenship as a free ticket to do the things that others work so hard to do. I could skip over the visa applications and stress that comes along with moving to a new country. I could pop on over with my Irish passport at anytime and look for a job, internship, or any experience in the European Union. And why not?
I wanted to know what my readers thought--especially the ones who may be graduating soon or considering travel: Would you go abroad and work for a year after graduation? And under what terms?

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